

We live in crazy times, incredible things are happening in the world (prepared for tens or even hundreds of years). Below is definitely one of the most fascinating, but also the most terrifying materials about recent events and who are the helpers in this practice of genocide and the impure and insidious transformation of the […]

What is in the so-called tests and the so-called vaccines?

Not only tests and vaccines. The whole system for depopulation and enslavement. Do you have a free choice? Can you pick one side of the coin where the main sewer “conspiracy theories” are, or the other side where there are other “conspiracy theories”? nano-dust on “test swabs” and more how nano-dust technology works in conjunction […]

Mind over matter (epigenetics)

A new look and understanding of the interdependence between living organisms, the environment – and the influence of thought, perception and subconsciousness – in expressing the healing potential of our body. Epigenetics is the emerging knowledge about the primacy of mind over matter. For example, over the subject of compulsory vaccines, chips, 5G. War always […]

Coronavirus outside the matrix

Non-existing COVID-19, big shit 5G and how you are being ‘tested’ … Data collected by David Icke from those who do not appear in the main stream media. Interview for LondonReal. Oddly enough, this interview has disappeared from ‘reputable and responsible’ for your empty head YouTube, Vimeo services and disappears further on FaceBook. Dr Andrew […]

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