Jan Kwaśniewski

Cancer feeds on sugar (carbohydrates)

“Cancer feeds on sugar*. Man doesn’t have to.” Dr Jan Kwaśniewski “Optimal Nutrition” * sugar in the sense of carbohydrates The description of the cancer mechanism, from a nutritional point of view, starts at 0:58 (Polish language). Where do cancers come from? Cancer tissue accepts life with such a poor supply of nutrients that no […]


An article based on a text from Dr. Jan Kwaśniewski’s website (Polish language): http://dr-kwasniewski.pl/?id=2&news=79 (2004-02-04) Book published in the USA – for POLONIAcopyright by Jan KwaśniewskiChicago 2000 with comments and links to source and supporting materials (under construction). * Text bolding by Tomasz Kwaśniewski ** Text bolding by Knowledge for Freedom + original sin (carbohydrates) […]

Optimal Nutrition Dr. Jan Kwaśniewski

Optimal Nutrition according to Dr. Jan Kwaśniewski, i.e. high-fat, low-carbohydrate. Jan Kwasniewski, MD, was born in 1937 in Poland. In 1961 he graduated from the Military Medical Academy (Wojskowa Akademia Medyczna in Lodz) with a specialization in physical medicine. In 1965 he began working at the Military Sanatorium in Ciechocinek, where he was employed for […]

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