iFibr MedBed-S – the Sleep Revolution
iFibr – the Sleep Revolution
On average, a person spends more than 24 years of their life in bed. Our products were developed to make the best possible use of this time for your health and quality of life – quite simply while you sleep!
Ancient wisdom and the latest technology have been successfully combined at the highest scientific level. The result is FIBRILIUM, the unique high-tech fibre which, as the main component of our iFibr products, has astounded many experts and patients by its effectiveness and efficiency!
Using it couldn’t be easier and it is completely free of any side effects …

Order your iFibr MedBed-S now and sleep healthy: **
https://safir.cryptochemist.net/ *
The light
Light is the foundation of all life. Even a slight lack of light can have massive consequences for your health and well-being. Known examples include winter depression, vitamin deficiency (D3) or osteoporosis (bone atrophy). Just how important light is, not only for the whole body, but also for every single cell has only recently been confirmed by scientific studies. Above all, the body’s own radiation plays an essential role in cell health.
iFibr Animation (en)
iFibr interview Dr. Dr. Ofner (en)
Clinical Trial Director Dr. Dr. Michael Ofner
In a clinical study conducted to the highest scientific standards, the effectiveness of IFIBR was proven by Dr. Dr. Michael Ofner. In 2019, for his achievements in health promotion and regeneration research, Dr. Dr. Ofner even received the “ITALIAN HEALTH AWARD 2019”. This is further confirmation of the success of the technology, which has already delighted numerous users worldwide.
Order your iFibr MedBed-S now: **
https://safir.cryptochemist.net/ *

See posts about health.
** The information provided on the website comes from the project’s source materials, corporate and partner presentations and my work with the SAFIR Recommendation Marketing.
Data were presented according to my current knowledge and experience.
Exclusive distributor
* SAFIR GROUP INTERNATIONAL LTD is the exclusive distributor of the product under the SAFIR Recommendation Marketing.

Knowledge about healing methods is provided as
information. If used, you use it at your own risk. Similarly, you are responsible to yourself for not applying the knowledge of healing.
Remember to consult with person you trust, such as a
doctor …